When constructing an office building, it is very important to keep it comfortable year-round. You want your house to be warm in the winter, and cool in the summer. To address this, you need something known as insulation. Insulation is a special type of gipsplade plastskrue material that helps to keep the temperature in your house comfortable.
Insulation board screws are made from such ekspanderende skruer plast materials as steel, making them very strong. Under those screws, you will find specifically designed screws to tightly hold the insulation board against the wall to make sure it would not fall off or move over time. Screws with point tips — the tip of the screw is sharp, which allows the screw to pierce through the insulation board and penetrate deep into the wall.
Yifang insulation board screws operation is quite simple. These have a unique ekspansionsanker plast design that permits the screws to be driven straight into the wall without having to drill a hole beforehand. This is known as being self-tapping, and it will save you so much time. You can directly screw them in without tedious hole drilling beforehand.
We will list the best features of Yifang insulation board screws. The crisscrossing ropes can hold the insulation board above them without bending or breaking which is very crucial. The screws themselves have a larger head, providing a larger surface area for the insulation board to sit on. This allows the weight of the board to be distributed evenly across the rail, thereby providing it with full support.
After ensuring you have successfully installed your insulation boards, you wish for them to remain so for years to come. High quality Yifang insulation board screws are designed for maintaining your insulation boards intact and are immensely of trust. Those screws drive deep in the wall, providing a good hold and making the boards solid.
Vi har leveret kvalitetstjenester til mere end 2,000 kunder, og vores produkter er med succes blevet eksporteret til mere end 60 lande og regioner rundt om i verden. Med rig international forretningserfaring og fremragende kundeservice har vi vundet tillid og ros fra vores kunder.
Vi leverer ikke kun standardprodukter, men understøtter også OEM (producent af original udstyr) og ODM (producent af original design), som kan tilpasse forskellige plastikbefæstelser og andre plastprodukter efter kundernes behov. Virksomheden har opnået mere end 20 patenter og fortsætter med at fremme teknologisk innovation for at sikre, at dets produkter altid er på forkant med branchen.
Langfang Yifang Plastic Co., Ltd. har bestået internationale autoritative certificeringer som SGS og TUV for at sikre, at alle produkter opfylder de højeste kvalitetsstandarder. Vi følger nøje ISO9001 og andre ledelsessystemer. Fra indkøb af råvarer til levering af færdige produkter er hvert trin strengt kontrolleret for at sikre produktets pålidelighed og konsistens.
Langfang Yifang Plastic Co., Ltd. er en professionel producent af plastikbefæstelser med mere end 15 års erfaring med fremstilling og eksport. Vores fabrik dækker et areal på 6,800 kvadratmeter og er udstyret med 20 avancerede produktionslinjer med en daglig produktionskapacitet på mere end 50,000 styk. Vi leverer en diversificeret produktlinje, herunder isolerende søm, isolerende ankre, isolerende befæstelser, plastikklodsfastgørelser, isolerende skiver, Eifs-skiver, plastikpropper, flyekspansionsankre, sommerfuglekspansionsankre, plastgipsvægsankre og plastkappesøm for at imødekomme behovene hos forskellige kunder.
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