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Insulation board screws

When constructing an office building, it is very important to keep it comfortable year-round. You want your house to be warm in the winter, and cool in the summer. To address this, you need something known as insulation. Insulation is a special type of хуурай хананы хуванцар шураг material that helps to keep the temperature in your house comfortable.

Тусгаарлагч хавтангийн эрэг ашиглан найдвартай, бат бөх бэхэлгээ

Insulation board screws are made from such өргөтгөх эрэг хуванцар materials as steel, making them very strong. Under those screws, you will find specifically designed screws to tightly hold the insulation board against the wall to make sure it would not fall off or move over time. Screws with point tips — the tip of the screw is sharp, which allows the screw to pierce through the insulation board and penetrate deep into the wall. 

Why choose Yifang Insulation board screws?

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